Our domain for access from Russia: 1getsms.online


11.02.2025 произойдет изменение цены:
VK.com - 20 руб.
WhatsApp - 90 руб.

Requests History Refill account Settings API / Partnership FAQ / Contacts
Partnership program

If you have software which working with our API you can get partnership payments for your users.

For activation partnership payments need to send request with information about your software for approval.
After approval you need to add to request getNumber this: &partner=0

Name of your software:

Web page of your software:

Link to page with reviews about your program (optional):

E-Mail (same as your account on our website):

Short basic functionality info about your software:

Approval your software can take 1-3 working days.
Service name ID Payments
Not in list ot 0.25 Р
OpenAI mg 0.25 Р
Yappy me 0.25 Р
IZI KZ dt 0.25 Р
Telegram tg 0.25 Р
WhatsApp wa 0.25 Р
Букмекеры oi 0.25 Р
Joyride pm 0.25 Р
OLX sn 0.25 Р
Tinder td 0.25 Р
Pandao nd 0.25 Р
Naver nv 0.25 Р
BlaBCar bc 0.25 Р
VK.com vk 0.25 Р
Discord ds 0.25 Р
Avito av 0.25 Р
Youla yl 0.25 Р
MeetMe uk 0.25 Р
Uber ub 0.25 Р
KakaoT kt 0.25 Р
Mail.ru ma 0.25 Р
Instagram ig 0.25 Р
OK.ru ok 0.25 Р
Yahoo mb 0.25 Р
Facebook fb 0.25 Р
Microsoft mm 0.25 Р
Steam sm 0.25 Р
WeChat wb 0.25 Р
AOL we 0.25 Р
Google go 0.25 Р
Twitter tw 0.25 Р
Viber vi 0.25 Р
Yandex ya 0.25 Р