Our domain for access from Russia: 1getsms.online


11.02.2025 произойдет изменение цены:
VK.com - 20 руб.
WhatsApp - 90 руб.

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FAQ / Contacts

    This website created for proceed anonimously profiles activations in social networks, messengers, bulletin boards and any another web resources which required sms confirmations. This website for people who by any reasons don't want/cannot use for this targets his/shes own phone number.

    Example of situation when you can use our services:
    Problem: you have only 1 mobile phone and 1 simcard inside, but by any reasons you need to create 10 profiles on Instagram. How you can do this?
    Resolve: you come to us and create profiles with numbers which you get on our website and our system show you sms from Instagram.

You can use "Reply" function from page "History" to get new code absolutely for free.

This means what sms not arrived to our hardware, it can be problem with simcard. Please try again. Funds for activations whith status "sms not arrived" will refund when activation time(20min) will ended.

Things like this sometimes happened, numbers for some services selling fast. I should wait for when we change simcards in our hardware. Interval of simcards changing depends of selling numbers speed. From one simcards change to another you have to wait from couple hours to couple days.

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